8 Beautiful Color Schemes For Bathroom Color Ideas { Blue Shower Room }

It’s hard to know where to begin when it comes to decorating a room. Probably, the easiest way to begin is to simply look to see what appeals to you. Look for color combination’s in fabrics, rugs, wallpaper, your clothes or any floral combination to which you may be attracted. Or perhaps should begin with your own color preferences. You don’t have to use the actual item you are inspired by in the room, but it gives you a starting point with which to begin. However responses to color differ according to personality and taste. See what your color personality may be. If colors speak, this color palette below is telling you the mood through this palette.

blue bathroom, blue shower room #bluetiles #blueshoweroom color palette for bathroom , color palette

From Left :  #7d8b96  | #4688b9  |  #5b96c2  |  #7aabd2  |  #97bee9  |  #bacede

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