42 Cute Spring Nail Art Inspirations : Tangerine Dream Nails

17. Tangerine Dream Nails

A captivating contrast of pale blue base with bursts of tangerine painted on for a pop of zesty colour. This striking combination evokes the fresh energy of spring, reminiscent of sunny days and citrus fruits. With each stroke of tangerine, your nails come alive with warmth and vitality, creating a playful and uplifting look that’s sure to turn heads. Whether you opt for bold geometric shapes or delicate accents, “Tangerine Dream” is a surefire way to add a splash of joy and excitement to your manicure routine. So why not embrace the zest for life and let your nails do the talking with this delightful spring-inspired design?

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Beautiful nails : @abbinail  on Instagram. Check out the latest artists featured on @fabmoodclassy on Instagram page.


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