Green and Marigold Color Scheme
These are hexadecimal color codes, which represent specific colors in the RGB color space.
Here are the corresponding RGB values for each of the codes:
- #182a3c: This is a dark blue color, with RGB values of (24, 42, 60).
- #335c5b: This is a blue-green color, with RGB values of (51, 92, 91).
- #51716b: This is a green-blue color, with RGB values of (81, 113, 107).
- #9eacbe: This is a grayish-blue color, with RGB values of (158, 172, 190).
- #c1a987: This is a beige color, with RGB values of (193, 169, 135).
- #c79803: This is a bright yellow color, with RGB values of (199, 152, 3).