Nature garden wedding theme { Shades of green + blush + white }



A nature garden wedding theme is ideal for someone planning on having a small and intimate wedding in either spring or summer. Fully take advantage of all the natural beauty that mother nature has to offer. It’s a romantic atmosphere that both you and your guests will enjoy.

Nature garden wedding theme { Shades of green + blush + white }

Nature garden wedding theme { Shades of green + blush + white }

Having a wedding ceremony in a garden can feel extremely intimate and romantic. Garden themes are generally appropriate for smaller groups and the dress code is almost always more casual. Expect to see a lot of vivid colours and beautiful flowers all around.

Colours are always important, but it depends more on the season that the wedding takes place in. There should obviously be some green, maybe a lighter shade for the spring and summer months and a darker shade for something around fall. Garden themes are great, because you can pretty much use any color in the rainbow. It’s natural to see all kinds of beautiful colours in a garden.



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